Read: 5 Ways to Turn an Unproductive Day Around

Read: 5 Ways to Turn an Unproductive Day Around

The way you start your morning sets the tone for the rest day. Waking up and starting the day productively, most likely results in a productive day. But…start a day with a bad mood and it can spiral out of control and you’ll get nothing done at all.

We’ve all been there.

I used to believe that it was impossible to turn an unproductive day into a productive day until I discovered these 5 techniques.

1. Meditate

My go-to fix is to meditate. I’ll comfortably sit in my chair, close my eyes and do the breathing exercise that’s taught in the Productivity Blueprint. The basic mechanics are very simple: you breathe in for 3 seconds, you breathe out for 6 seconds.

Continue to repeat this for about 10–15 minutes and you’ll feel a huge sense of relief and have a mind void of noise. You’re literally changing your state when you’re meditating and this relaxed state allows you to get back in the game. Give this a serious try the next time you’re feeling unproductive (especially those of you who tend to be very scatter-brained).

2. Change Environment

Sometimes our direct environment is not helping us get into a productive mood. Kids might be running around. There’s construction going on next door. You’re getting cabin fever. Whatever the case may be, an easy fix is to simply get out of that environment.

You could go for a walk and then come back later to try again. Or you can simply grab your stuff and start working at a coffee shop, co-working space or any other environment that allows you to get work done (see our special tips for working at those places right here).

Personally, I like to go for a walk around the block whenever I’m not feeling it. There’s plenty of science available that shows that walking (or going for a quick run) can change your mood, which allows you to be productive again.

To avoid cabin fever (since I work from home) every Friday I work either at a coffee shop or at Whole Foods. I particularly like working at Whole Foods since it’s a like one big refrigerator whenever I’m taking a break.

3. Take It Easy

One day I randomly discovered this trick that helped me turn around unproductive days.

I noticed that whenever I felt stuck, I would automatically go to my OmniFocus and find tasks that took less than 5 minutes to do. Then I would just start doing them and slowly but surely it helped me build momentum. After completing a couple simple things like “file X-document” or “empty trash” I started to feel better about myself. All of sudden I was in “doing mode” and then naturally I would shift back into doing the “hard things”.

Do the little things. The easy things that don’t require much effort and before you know it, you’re back on track to get the big things done. And if you don’t, then at least you got rid a lot of excessive tasks that have been laying around collecting dust.

4. Set a Timer

A strange but effective way to get over the slump is to set a timer ala the Pomodoro Technique. It’s this external accountability that pushes you to move forward.

So instead of your boss throwing the whip at you, you have a timer that’s ticking away and for some strange reason it really works. I usually do this as my last resort when I really need to finish something and my favorite timer is Vitamin-R.

The next time you feel stuck, set a timer for just 25 minutes and see what happens.

5. Talk To A Positive Person

Everyone has that ONE friend that is always positive and happy up to the point where it’s really annoying sometimes to see this person always being happy.

Call that friend whenever you’re stuck and not in the mood to get stuff done!

If you don’t have that friend then talk to one of your co-workers or your parents (they always love hearing from you anyway). Getting that social energy will help.

Don’t ask me why it works. But it does.

Pick One

There you have it – 5 easy ways to turn an unproductive day around. The next time you’re feeling unproductive, pick any of these five techniques and you should be back on track in no time.

via AsianEfficiency

Read: 13 things mentally strong people don’t do

Read: 13 things mentally strong people don’t do

Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people don’t do so that you too can become more mentally strong.

1. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves
Mentally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life and understand that life isn’t always easy or fair.

2. They don’t give away their power
They don’t allow others to control them, and they don’t give someone else power over them. They don’t say things like, “My boss makes me feel bad,” because they understand that they are in control over their own emotions and they have a choice in how they respond.

3. They don’t shy away from change
Mentally strong people don’t try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome positive change and are willing to be flexible. They understand that change is inevitable and believe in their abilities to adapt.

4. They don’t waste energy on things they can’t control
You won’t hear a mentally strong person complaining over lost luggage or traffic jams. Instead, they focus on what they can control in their lives. They recognize that sometimes, the only thing they can control is their attitude.

5. They don’t worry about pleasing everyone
Mentally strong people recognize that they don’t need to please everyone all the time. They’re not afraid to say no or speak up when necessary. They strive to be kind and fair, but can handle other people being upset if they didn’t make them happy.

6. They don’t fear taking calculated risks
They don’t take reckless or foolish risks, but don’t mind taking calculated risks. Mentally strong people spend time weighing the risks and benefits before making a big decision, and they’re fully informed of the potential downsides before they take action.

7. They don’t dwell on the past
Mentally strong people don’t waste time dwelling on the past and wishing things could be different. They acknowledge their past and can say what they’ve learned from it. However, they don’t constantly relive bad experiences or fantasize about the glory days. Instead, they live for the present and plan for the future.

8. They don’t make the same mistakes over and over
Mentally strong people accept responsibility for their behavior and learn from their past mistakes. As a result, they don’t keep repeating those mistakes over and over. Instead, they move on and make better decisions in the future.

9. They don’t resent other people’s success
Mentally strong people can appreciate and celebrate other people’s success in life. They don’t grow jealous or feel cheated when others surpass them. Instead, they recognize that success comes with hard work, and they are willing to work hard for their own chance at success.

10. They don’t give up after the first failure
Mentally strong people don’t view failure as a reason to give up. Instead, they use failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. They are willing to keep trying until they get it right.

11. They don’t fear alone time
Mentally strong people can tolerate being alone and they don’t fear silence. They aren’t afraid to be alone with their thoughts and they can use downtime to be productive. They enjoy their own company and aren’t dependent on others for companionship and entertainment all the time but instead can be happy alone.

12. They don’t feel the world owes them anything
Mentally strong people don’t feel entitled to things in life. They weren’t born with a mentality that others would take care of them or that the world must give them something. Instead, they look for opportunities based on their own merits.

13. They don’t expect immediate results
Whether they are working on improving their health or getting a new business off the ground, mentally strong people don’t expect immediate results. Instead, they apply their skills and time to the best of their ability and understand that real change takes time.

Source: LifeHack

Read: 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

Read: 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking process.

Neuroscience paints a complicated picture of creativity. As scientists now understand it, creativity is far more complex than the right-left brain distinction would have us think (the theory being that left brain = rational and analytical, right brain = creative and emotional). In fact, creativity is thought to involve a number of cognitive processes, neural pathways and emotions, and we still don’t have the full picture of how the imaginative mind works.

And psychologically speaking, creative personality types are difficult to pin down, largely because they’re complex, paradoxical and tend to avoid habit or routine. And it’s not just a stereotype of the “tortured artist” — artists really may be more complicated people. Research has suggested that creativity involves the coming together of a multitude of traits, behaviors and social influences in a single person.

“It’s actually hard for creative people to know themselves because the creative self is more complex than the non-creative self,” Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist at New York University who has spent years researching creativity, told The Huffington Post. “The things that stand out the most are the paradoxes of the creative self … Imaginative people have messier minds.”

While there’s no “typical” creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviors of highly creative people. Here are 18 things they do differently.

They daydream.


Creative types know, despite what their third-grade teachers may have said, that daydreaming is anything but a waste of time.

According to Kaufman and psychologist Rebecca L. McMillan, who co-authored a paper titled “Ode To Positive Constructive Daydreaming,” mind-wandering can aid in the process of “creative incubation.” And of course, many of us know from experience that our best ideas come seemingly out of the blue when our minds are elsewhere.

Although daydreaming may seem mindless, a 2012 study suggested it could actually involve a highly engaged brain state — daydreaming can lead to sudden connections and insights because it’s related to our ability to recall information in the face of distractions. Neuroscientists have also found that daydreaming involves the same brain processes associated with imagination and creativity.

They observe everything.

The world is a creative person’s oyster — they see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking in information that becomes fodder for creative expression. As Henry James is widely quoted, a writer is someone on whom “nothing is lost.”

The writer Joan Didion kept a notebook with her at all times, and said that she wrote down observations about people and events as, ultimately, a way to better understand the complexities and contradictions of her own mind:

“However dutifully we record what we see around us, the common denominator of all we see is always, transparently, shamelessly, the implacable ‘I,'” Didion wrote in her essay On Keeping A Notebook. “We are talking about something private, about bits of the mind’s string too short to use, an indiscriminate and erratic assemblage with meaning only for its marker.”

They work the hours that work for them.

Many great artists have said that they do their best work either very early in the morning or late at night. Vladimir Nabokov started writing immediately after he woke up at 6 or 7 a.m., and Frank Lloyd Wright made a practice of waking up at 3 or 4 a.m. and working for several hours before heading back to bed. No matter when it is, individuals with high creative output will often figure out what time it is that their minds start firing up, and structure their days accordingly.

They take time for solitude.


“In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone,” wrote the American existential psychologist Rollo May.

Artists and creatives are often stereotyped as being loners, and while this may not actually be the case, solitude can be the key to producing their best work. For Kaufman, this links back to daydreaming — we need to give ourselves the time alone to simply allow our minds to wander.

“You need to get in touch with that inner monologue to be able to express it,” he says. “It’s hard to find that inner creative voice if you’re … not getting in touch with yourself and reflecting on yourself.”

They turn life’s obstacles around.

Many of the most iconic stories and songs of all time have been inspired by gut-wrenching pain and heartbreak — and the silver lining of these challenges is that they may have been the catalyst to create great art. An emerging field of psychology called post-traumatic growth is suggesting that many people are able to use their hardships and early-life trauma for substantial creative growth. Specifically, researchers have found that trauma can help people to grow in the areas of interpersonal relationships, spirituality, appreciation of life, personal strength, and — most importantly for creativity — seeing new possibilities in life.

“A lot of people are able to use that as the fuel they need to come up with a different perspective on reality,” says Kaufman. “What’s happened is that their view of the world as a safe place, or as a certain type of place, has been shattered at some point in their life, causing them to go on the periphery and see things in a new, fresh light, and that’s very conducive to creativity.”

They seek out new experiences.


Creative people love to expose themselves to new experiences, sensations and states of mind — and this openness is a significant predictor of creative output.

“Openness to experience is consistently the strongest predictor of creative achievement,” says Kaufman. “This consists of lots of different facets, but they’re all related to each other: Intellectual curiosity, thrill seeking, openness to your emotions, openness to fantasy. The thing that brings them all together is a drive for cognitive and behavioral exploration of the world, your inner world and your outer world.”

They “fail up.”


Resilience is practically a prerequisite for creative success, says Kaufman. Doing creative work is often described as a process of failing repeatedly until you find something that sticks, and creatives — at least the successful ones — learn not to take failure so personally.

“Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often,” Forbes contributor Steven Kotler wrote in a piece on Einstein’s creative genius.

They ask the big questions.

Creative people are insatiably curious — they generally opt to live the examined life, and even as they get older, maintain a sense of curiosity about life. Whether through intense conversation or solitary mind-wandering, creatives look at the world around them and want to know why, and how, it is the way it is.

They people-watch.


Observant by nature and curious about the lives of others, creative types often love to people-watch — and they may generate some of their best ideas from it.

“[Marcel] Proust spent almost his whole life people-watching, and he wrote down his observations, and it eventually came out in his books,” says Kaufman. “For a lot of writers, people-watching is very important … They’re keen observers of human nature.”

They take risks.

Part of doing creative work is taking risks, and many creative types thrive off of taking risks in various aspects of their lives.

“There is a deep and meaningful connection between risk taking and creativity and it’s one that’s often overlooked,” contributor Steven Kotler wrote in Forbes. “Creativity is the act of making something from nothing. It requires making public those bets first placed by imagination. This is not a job for the timid. Time wasted, reputation tarnished, money not well spent — these are all by-products of creativity gone awry.”

They view all of life as an opportunity for self-expression.


Nietzsche believed that one’s life and the world should be viewed as a work of art. Creative types may be more likely to see the world this way, and to constantly seek opportunities for self-expression in everyday life.

“Creative expression is self-expression,” says Kaufman. “Creativity is nothing more than an individual expression of your needs, desires and uniqueness.”

They follow their true passions.

Creative people tend to be intrinsically motivated — meaning that they’re motivated to act from some internal desire, rather than a desire for external reward or recognition. Psychologists have shown that creative people are energized by challenging activities, a sign of intrinsic motivation, and the research suggests that simply thinking of intrinsic reasons to perform an activity may be enough to boost creativity.

“Eminent creators choose and become passionately involved in challenging, risky problems that provide a powerful sense of power from the ability to use their talents,”write M.A. Collins and T.M. Amabile in The Handbook of Creativity.

They get out of their own heads.


Kaufman argues that another purpose of daydreaming is to help us to get out of our own limited perspective and explore other ways of thinking, which can be an important asset to creative work.

“Daydreaming has evolved to allow us to let go of the present,” says Kaufman. “The same brain network associated with daydreaming is the brain network associated with theory of mind — I like calling it the ‘imagination brain network’ — it allows you to imagine your future self, but it also allows you to imagine what someone else is thinking.”

Research has also suggested that inducing “psychological distance” — that is, taking another person’s perspective or thinking about a question as if it was unreal or unfamiliar — can boost creative thinking.

They lose track of the time.

Creative types may find that when they’re writing, dancing, painting or expressing themselves in another way, they get “in the zone,” or what’s known as a flow state, which can help them to create at their highest level. Flow is a mental state when an individual transcends conscious thought to reach a heightened state of effortless concentration and calmness. When someone is in this state, they’re practically immune to any internal or external pressures and distractions that could hinder their performance.

You get into the flow state when you’re performing an activity you enjoy that you’re good at, but that also challenges you — as any good creative project does.

“[Creative people] have found the thing they love, but they’ve also built up the skill in it to be able to get into the flow state,” says Kaufman. “The flow state requires a match between your skill set and the task or activity you’re engaging in.”

They surround themselves with beauty.

Creatives tend to have excellent taste, and as a result, they enjoy being surrounded by beauty.

study recently published in the journal Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts showed that musicians — including orchestra musicians, music teachers, and soloists — exhibit a high sensitivity and responsiveness to artistic beauty.

They connect the dots.


If there’s one thing that distinguishes highly creative people from others, it’s the ability to see possibilities where others don’t — or, in other words, vision. Many great artists and writers have said that creativity is simply the ability to connect the dots that others might never think to connect.

In the words of Steve Jobs:

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.”

They constantly shake things up.

Diversity of experience, more than anything else, is critical to creativity, says Kaufman. Creatives like to shake things up, experience new things, and avoid anything that makes life more monotonous or mundane.

“Creative people have more diversity of experiences, and habit is the killer of diversity of experience,” says Kaufman.

They make time for mindfulness.

Creative types understand the value of a clear and focused mind — because their work depends on it. Many artists, entrepreneurs, writers and other creative workers, such as David Lynch, have turned to meditation as a tool for tapping into their most creative state of mind.

And science backs up the idea that mindfulness really can boost your brain power in a number of ways. A 2012 Dutch study suggested that certain meditation techniques can promote creative thinking. And mindfulness practices have been linked withimproved memory and focusbetter emotional well-being, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved mental clarity — all of which can lead to better creative thought.

via HuffingtonPost

Read: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work

James Clear writes about using behavioral science to master your habits and improve your mental and physical health. If you enjoyed this article, join his free newsletter.

  Continue reading “Read: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work”

Read: Daydreaming Makes You Smarter

Read: Daydreaming Makes You Smarter

At high school, it’s invariably the kids that day dream who get told off. But a new study suggeststhat it’s those of us whose minds wander that have the best working memory—and working memory is itself directly associated to intelligence.

A new study, conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, suggests that a person’s working memory capacity relates to the tendency of their mind to wander during routine tasks. Working memory is the capacity to remember information for short periods of time—say, remembering a number while you dig out your phone.

To reach their findings, which are published in Psychological Science, the team had participants undertake a simple routine task, asking them to press a button when they saw a letter appear on a computer screen. Throughout the tests, they also periodically asked them if they were actively focusing on the task or thinking about something else. They also measured each participant’s working memory by asking them to remember strings of letter while performing math problems.

The result? People with higher working memory capacity reported more mind wandering during simple tasks. Jonathan Smallwood, one of the researchers, explains to Science Daily:

“What this study seems to suggest is that, when circumstances for the task aren’t very difficult, people who have additional working memory resources deploy them to think about things other than what they’re doing.”

Working memory is predictor of intelligence, and correlates strongly with measures like reading comprehension and IQ score, which suggests that the more your mind wanders, the smarter you are. The researchers suggest that where your mind wanders to is probably an indication of your subconscious priorities, but the less said about that, I think, the better. So, anyway, if you weren’t paying attention to a single word I just wrote, congratulations; you’re a smartass. [Psychological Science via Science Daily]

Image by Serg Zastavkin/Shutterstock

via Gizmodo

Read: Why Taking a Break Leads to Breakthroughs

Read: Why Taking a Break Leads to Breakthroughs

Tanner is a digital producer who makes things to help creatives do more of what they love.Follow him on Twitter or learn more on his personal site:

Continue reading “Read: Why Taking a Break Leads to Breakthroughs”

Read: That Turtleneck is Choking You, How pretending to be a designer is killing your career.

Read: That Turtleneck is Choking You, How pretending to be a designer is killing your career.

Straight from the keyboard of Creative Director Jordan Gadapee comes this biting editorial: That Turtleneck is Choking You. Gadapee discusses how too many “designers” are simply faking the part and not producing enough work to really become great designers. It’s a harsh look at the industry, but one that also offers some very good advice for new (and experienced) designers.

Continue reading “Read: That Turtleneck is Choking You, How pretending to be a designer is killing your career.”

Read: 7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life

Read: 7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life

Raymmar Tirado is a Creative strategist and professional instigator of ideas. Asker of Questions, Seeker of Truths

Continue reading “Read: 7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life” Practical advice for those who worry about public speaking Practical advice for those who worry about public speaking

Zach Holman (@holman), who works for GitHub as one of their first engineering hires. Having spoken at a lot of technical conferences than most of us, he shares a great set of practical advices for those who worry about public speaking on his site,

Screen Shot 2014-02-22 at 3.42.18 PM

Public speaking is tough.

Be it at a conference, or during a company meeting, or in your car trying to persuade the cop not to ticket you for going three times the speed limit while streaming an episode of The Maury Povich Show on your iPad, talking in front of other people can be an intimidating experience.

Because “imagine everyone’s naked” is terrible advice

5 TED Talks for aspiring Entrepreneurs!

5 TED Talks for aspiring Entrepreneurs!

Entrepreneurs are being fancied as the leaders for future generations, resolving cut-throat-problematic issues by executing innovative solutions – they are now speculated as VIP, always in limelight. What’s more, we see ever increasing wishful young individuals out there, who aspire to run successful startups in future.

It has been acknowledged that entrepreneurs hold the ability to see things from their own perspectives, and that’s the top-notch thing about entrepreneurism. Keeping that in mind, we have chosen “five astonishing Ted talks” for ambitious people like you who dream to pursue it as core career. Watch these TED talks by successful (if not) rather experienced people who will inspire you immensely.

1. Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success?
Grit is a ‘need-for-achievement’ for every aspiring entrepreneur – the drive to keep you going is what grit is all about. Watch this lively talk by a high-spirited lady, who discloses her theory of “grit” as requisite force to be successful in any aspect of life. Furthermore, her own experience with kids as their teacher, vouches for the fact that, one who latches on to this very thing (grit) could predominate intellectuals and most talented peers. Here’s to the despair youth:” Think you have fireworms of an entrepreneur?” Show-up-gritty!

2. Harish Manwani: Profit’s not always the point
For any start-up, growth is all that matters the most. Watch this profound talk by COO of a renowned company, who enlightens many key factors to provoke sense of responsibility among individuals and arousing leadership as a whole.

3. Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders
This exclusive talk is dedicated to inspire girls/women, who don’t get or in some cases don’t avail the given opportunities to move ahead in life. Alluding to many causes behind it, COO of facebook advises and encourages women and girls to move forward in professional life. Watch this zealous chatter by her!

4. Jacqueline Novogratz: Inspiring a life of immersion
Proclaiming motivational stories from real life experiences, Jacqueline is all ready to inspire you about how to get going and immerse yourself to a specific venture. An epitome of revolutionary, In this talk, She introduces you to the true essence of social entrepreneurism.
This is a must watch talk by a very down-to-earth lady.

5. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Giving marketing illustrations from big corporations like Apple, this talk toss around the working principles of giant companies, that what – how and why they do? What-they-do. Isn’t that a bit confusing? Figure out yourself and get inspired!

via The AppJuice